Working with Azure Front Door

suji guna
4 min readAug 16, 2020


Hey All!Welcome back to my article series…

This is my seventh article on Distributed and cloud computing- sample environment in azure cloud platform series. If you have missed the previous article you can checkout in the below link.

Now let us get to know what is Azure Front ….

Azure Front door

Azure front door enables you to define, manage, and monitor the worldwide routing for your web traffic by optimizing for best performance and quick global failover for top availability. With front door, you’ll transform your global (multi-region) consumer and enterprise applications into robust, high-performance personalized modern applications, APIs, and content that reaches a worldwide audience with Azure.

Front Door works at Layer 7 or HTTP/HTTPS layer and uses anycast protocol with split TCP and Microsoft’s global network for improving global connectivity. So, per your routing method selection within the configuration, you’ll make sure that front door is routing your client requests to the fastest and most available application backend. An application backend is any Internet-facing service hosted inside or outside of Azure. front door provides a variety of traffic-routing methods and backend health monitoring options to suit different application needs and automatic failover models. almost like Traffic Manager, front door is resilient to failures, including the failure of a whole Azure region.

Now lets create a front door.!

Go to the Azure portal search for Azure Front door.

Now fill the basic details.

In my case I have given my usual resource group as in my other resources

After Basic, we should fill this three sections in the configuration.

  • Frontend/domains- We should provide frontdoor URL to access the front door.
  • Backend pools- Resources locations should be mentioned here. It can be either web apps,Cloud service, Storage, etc.
  • Routing rules- We should set the rule to bind frontend URL with backend URL with configurable manner.

Now configure the Frontend.

Lets configure backend now.

To add a backend select the “Add a backend”.

In my case, I have selected my App service as backend. I have only one App service under the resource, so it automatically fills the fields.

Now select “Add” to end up adding backend pool.

Now lets Add routing rules.

Fill in the rules. Now select add, you can update your rules later too.

In my case I have filled as below to fulfill my app requirements.

  • Route Type : Redirect
  • Redirect Type : Moved (301)
  • Redirect protocol : Either HTTPS only ot HTTP only or Match request
  • Destination host : My front end URL
  • Destination path :set as /expenses/
  • Destination fragment : /editexpenses.

Now click Add.

Great.! We have deployed. Now we can see be entering the URLs.




To refer the ARM templates, please follow the link.

ARM Templates



suji guna

B.Sc in Software Engineering. University of Kelaniya, SriLanka.